Edificio commerciale e residenziale ECOCITTA’

HomeHousingRetailEdificio commerciale e residenziale ECOCITTA’

The ECOCITTA’ complex of Porto Potenza Picena is one of the most important projects in Marche region. Five hundred flats, commercial spaced and a large central garden square, all in A class and certificated by the Protocoll itaca Marche. FIMA is taking care the architectonic, structural, planting design and  construction supervision of all buildings. The first completed building is a mix of residential and commercial spaces. The first and second floor are thought for a commercial use with a large hanging garden in the intern court of first floor, also the other floors are for flats characterized by a large hanging garden and by a respectful environmental design. The entire building is, indeed, in A energetic class and gains the score 3 of Procol itaca marche


Potenza Picena, (MC), Italy
